Useful resources
National Toxicology Program, USA. 15th report on Carcinogens.
Substances Listed in the Fifteenth Report on Carcinogens Known To Be Human Carcinogens
Grand River is Full of Contaminants says award-winning Indigenous McMaster Professor LOCAL NEWS
Company facing 15 million dollar lawsuit for illegal dumping in Hamilton
Hamilton going to court to stop soil dumping on Flamborough farm.
Podcast: Illegal Soil Dumping Ontario Regulations with Brandon Spiller
GTA Building Boom Spawns Shadowy "Black Market" for waste Soil.
Third Line Landowner has yet to clean up contaminated site. LOCAL NEWS
we want all community members to become informed on illegal dumping on six nations
Concerned community members are raising awareness on the pollution of our lands on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory.
Members of our own community are importing soil from off the territory for profit.
Cancer clusters are popping up on our territory.
Contamination of soil affects human health, soil health, biodiversity health, and food security for our people.
Please take the time to read publications along the side panel and be more informed on the effects to health.
"Soil has a profound effect on the health and well-being of humans. Depending upon the condition of the given soil and the interactions of interest, this effect can be either positive or negative and direct or indirect. Soils that affect human health include natural soil, which usually has little anthropogenic contamination, and soils in agroecosystems, urban areas, mines, oil and gas extraction areas, landfill sites and other locations where anthropogenic contamination is more likely. People in professions that work closely with soil, such as farmers, construction workers or miners are at a greater risk of health problems that involve direct contact with soil, but everyone’s health is affected by soil to some extent. This is because soil provides many of the nutrients we require and can pass on harmful substances through the food that we eat. Some dusts generated from soil can travel thousands of miles and affect people long distances from where they originated. Although recent advances in the role soil plays in human health are being made and continue to be investigated, few people probably think about soil having an effect on their health." Referenced from
All heavy metals that are contained in soil have carcinogen effects on human health with prolonged exposure. There are many other contaminants that are not healthy for human health and the environment from the local industry boom with no environmental regulations to keep our children safe.